

Errorless teaching is the process whereby the child is asked to make correct answers immediately. It is ensured that there is a correct response each time. The aim is to promote accuracy with minimum errors. This method motivates the child and ensures accuracy. This method is very effective with children with autism spectrum disorder. Errorless teaching can be employed in learning behaviours such as tying shoe laces (Prather, 1971).

Similarly, Visual support system can promote imitation of behaviour in autistic children. The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a system developed for individuals who have speech impairment or limited usage of speech. This system helps them quickly learn functional ways of communicating. Similarly, TEACHH is a special program designed for children with autism spectrum disorder. This program emphasises on development of child’s needs, skills, and interests (Rao, & Gagie, 2006).

One of the most commonly used methods of behaviour modification among children is token economy. The concept of token economy is based on positive reinforcement and operant conditioning. The antecedent stimuli are manipulated to improve learning and motivation in autistic children. Therefore, token economy can be used to learn social skills and enhance motivation in children with autism. The teacher/ researcher reward the child on achievement of goal or desired behaviour. Positive reinforcement helps in learning and maintaining desired behaviour. In this study, there were 10 trials. The target or the desired behaviour is learning to tie shoe laces. The child was rewarded after every successful trial.

All these methods have proven to be effective in assisting children with autism spectrum disorder. The intervention program for single subject design can be designed on the basis of these methods.


Autism spectrum disorder is one of the most common developmental disorders. It is characterised by problematic behaviour involving speech impairment, lack of social skills, inability to form relation with peers and echolalia. The research design used in the study is single subject design wherein the individual is assessed before and after treatment. The rationale of the study is discussed. Review of literature is discussed. Different methods that can be employed in case of autistic children are highlighted.



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